

The Edwards Aquifer, an underground water supply that provides for San Antonio and Bexar County within the state of Texas. It is said to be one of the most pure and natural water supplies in America. It’s reasonable to have government supervision of this natural source of life, but sadly, it doesn’t. There is protection but recent reports show that it is not as strong as it needs to be.

Bexar Met Water District Hill Country reports that ethylbenzene and xylene were found in its drinking water supply in 2006. However, levels were well below the Maximum Contaminant Level set by the EPA.[i]

What contaminants and chemicals does the EPA allow? Research has uncovered the EPA allows certain amounts of many chemicals, to name a few there is: Antimony, Asbestos, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Cyanide, Fluoride, Mercury, Nitrate, Selenium, Thallium, Atrazine, Carbofuran, Chlorobenzene, Dalapon, Chlorite, and Chlorine.[ii]As of 2005 there are still 9 Microbial Contaminants and 42 Chemical Contaminants that have found to be in the water system but have yet to receive a regulation from the EPA[iii]

If the government itself is allowing such things to pass, who exactly is protecting our water? Outraged citizens have banded together to form non-profit organizations determined to keep our water pure. Two excellent examples are AGUA, Aquifer Guardians in Urban Areas, and GEAA, Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance. The members of these groups are highly knowledgeable ranging from college professors such as Mariana Ornelas (AGUA member) to Attorneys of Texas Law like Enrique Valdiva (AGUA President)[iv].

AGUA is determined and has developed an Aquifer Protection Plan and a Recharge Zone Monitoring Program. GEAA has also developed an Aquifer protection plan, and uses petitions to help protect the water. GEAA has many members from Austin to Del Rio who help fight pollution, over pumping, quarries, grandfathering, and privatization.

Both groups provide an excellent source of information on the Edwards Aquifer. For volunteer information and upcoming events you can visit their websites:
AGUA - www.aquiferguardians.org/
GEAA - www.aquiferalliance.org/

[i] “Bexar Met finds contaminants in aquifer” 2006 Aquifer Guardians in Urban Areas 10-26-07 <>
[ii] “List of Contaminants & their MCLs” June 2003 United States Environment Protection Agency 10-26-07 <>
[iii] “CCL 2 List” February 24, 2005 United States Environment Protection Agency 10-26-07 <>
[iv] “Board of Directors” 2007 Aquifer Guardians in Urban Areas 10-26-07 <>

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